hassan khalid, Author at Shaytan's Waswas (whispers)Cure

All posts by hassan khalid

Ashwagandha Herb to Cure OCD, Waswas, Anxiety- and Depression

Ashwagandha herb for OCD, depression and Waswas is one of the most powerful natural herbs for an effective cure. In case, you have been struggling with any of these , i.e., Was’was ,OCD, Waswas al qahri

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How to Have a Productive Day?

I remember the days when I would wake up in the morning and would be all tired, fatigued, and the feeling of not to accomplish anything in the day. Having …. No motivation No desire No

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Getting up Supercharged from Your Bed ….

Trin Trin … The alarm is ringing. “Snooze Snooze “ You are pressing the Snooze button on your cell phone. You wake up. Lay there for minutes & some times hours. Not

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How to get rid of waswas in Islam ?

Dealing with Severe Waswas in Islam ? If I tell you that this problem of was’was in Islam is such widespread that one out of every 10 Muslims is grappling with it , then it shall not be an overstatement. How

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Reason Behind your waswas about Allah & Waswas about Prophet

I vividly remember how my mind would trick me into thinking that: ” What wrong have I done to incur the wrath of such painful Waswas about Allah  and Waswas about Prophet Muhammad ( May

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If you Want to Grow , Fear is Necessary

Quick Question !! What is your Relation-ship status? Not your matrimonial status, rather, what is your relation with the most PRIMAL EMOTION of  FEAR. Let’s try to explore it. Does FEAR drive

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Waswas Kahri and OCD in Islam Treatment

Waswas kahri  or OCD in Islam are  one of the most potent challenges which a Muslim (ah) has to undergo if he is suffering from this  spiritual or psychiatric conditions . As per the

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How to Get Rid of Waswas in Islam ( Part 2) ?

Losing faith in Islam due to insinuating doubts & Was'waas ? One of the Most Common Cases that we have observed in the Muslims suffering from Waswas in Islam is of a gradual decline in the quality

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Sources of Waswas in Islam

Everything that exists in this Universe has a source; be it good , bad or Ugly . For instance ; The source of sunlight happens to be the Sun; the source of good emotions lies in staying away from

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Personality types targeted by Shaitan’s Waswas in Islam

Waswas in Islam ( Waswas or Was'was ) ; anyone can become a Victim of them .You, me or any person who is a Muslim can become a target of waswasa in Islam, irrespective of his or her background, nature,

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