Cure Your Was’was & Weh'm Forever

Regain Control Over
Your Thoughts !!
This guide will help you get completely free from the shackles of the whispers of Shaytan. The whispers that have been casting doubts inside you while performing wudhu and salah, thus ruining the contentment of your ibadah.
The whispers that have been draining your energy and make you hate even thinking about doing wudhu and performing salah!!! That's what Shaytan wants from you, and you are falling victim for his plans.
But it's time to wage a war against Shaytan, to make you strong enough to fight these temptations and compulsions that have been over-powering you.
Dear Brothers&Sisters,
- Are you worried Lately , since your mind can not concentrate on simple acts of Ibadah ( Salaát , Zikr , recitation of Quran etc ) due to Certain Delusional thoughts ?
- Are you or one of your Family members falling a victim to Vagary ( Arabic : "Weham " ) ; that is you are Consistently repeating your urge to repeat your Wud'hu and Salaát OR overly worrying about the cleanliness of your Body and clothes ?
- Are you seeing frightful dreams about your loved ones ; making you very terrified ?
- Does your Mind whisper that you are slipping towrds "KUFR" Slowly ?
- Are You Spending too much time in Wash room /toilet needlessly ?
- Are you wasting Lots of Water by repeating your Wudhu / washing your private parts since you doubt that you have leaked urine drops or passed gas , but you are never sure if your wudhu was Nullified or not ?
- Are you getting blasphemous thoughts about sacred personalities ( Angels , Allah , Prophets ) and despite your best attempts you are unable to stop these thoughts right in their tracks ?
- Are you hearing strange voices and the people with whom you discuss this think that you are getting Crazy or paranoid ?
- Do you forget your rakah or other arkan of salah and constantly get the urge to do sajda sahw in almost every salah?
If your Answer is "Yes " ,
then you are a victim of "Waswas" by Shaytan!
Just like the people mentioned in the Cases

I have been suffering from severe
I don’t know if this is me or Shaytan. I am very confused. I do not leave prayer; I always pray the Sunnah after Fard because I fear my Fard wasn’t accepted because of these evil thoughts. Am I going to be judged for these thoughts, even though I am not saying them? I feel like I am losing faith and I am going to hell because of this. .”

"I am suffering with waswas . Sometimes I get waswas on saying Allaah also and some times it takes me more than half an hour to read one ruku of quraan shareef . And I am always doubtful in taharath(Purity ). Always it feels like urine has passed . I dont know what to do?”
by applying in-depth Islamic Solutions and psychological techniques?
Why I can help you?
Asslamualiykum ! Dear readers. My name is Mohammad Hassan and I am the author of the


This Book , “Cure Your Was’was Forever“ is a simple to READ & ACT guide . It comprises of all the knowledge about cures and remedies to rid yourself from the Weham and Was’was that shaytan is whispering inside you.
After reading and acting on this
1. To fully understand and diagnose the psychology of was’was; their origin; their Causes and the hidden symptoms. (Chapter # 1 )
2. To Self diagnose the STAGE OF
3. To Stop
4. To do away the Blasphemous thoughts so that you never carry their guilt again on your heart (Chapter #4)

Through this
- The reality of your dreams and to what extent they can impact your future. (Chapter # 2 & 5)
- The Islamic ways to maintain focus during your Salaát and a meditation technique that helps you keeping a laser sharp focus in Salaát. (Chapter # 4)
- You shall be able to detect the
syptoms of was'was in your loved ones & be able to guide them before was'was can reach a chronic stage. The sooner they know it, the easier it is to heal. (Chapter # 2) - You will be provided the best and easy to remember Dua's from Holy Quran and Sunnah that shall guard you against any
Wa'was . (Chapter # 5)
- You shall receive many real life examples of Muslims who are dealing with was'was; in the light of their experience you can detect and cure your was'was
conveniently ,insha -Allah. (Chapter # 2, 3, 4) - You will learn the different types of
the best cures for every type of was'was. (Chapter # 3, 4)Was'was ; and - You will learn how to maintain laser sharp focus in your Ibaadaat (Salaát, Wudhu, Zikr, etc)
- Your spiritual Life shall become serene and you shall rejoice a rejuvenated Sense of Eemaán in all your religious activities, Insha-Allah.
And a Lot more .....
So what are you waiting for?
The Regular price of this Book is 27 $ ; but I am offering this Now for :
7.90 $ ONLY
as a gesture of helping more and more Muslims

What People Are Saying About This Book?

(Teacher / Muslim Mentor /Coach)
JazaakAllah khair to Br Hassan Khalid for this amazing book. May Allah (swt) reward him for it in this world and the next. This book is a MUST for every Muslim who has ever suffered or is suffering from was'was and has said enough is enough and wants a cure now to heal forever. Br Hassan has researched this topic in depth and provided us with beneficial and practical knowledge from the Qur'an and Sunnah on how to cure our was'was, which we can implement immediately.
I have also suffered from was'was and this book is a brilliant reminder with in depth references from Qur'an and Sunnah and adhakaars which we must recite daily to protect ourselves. This book will help you as it has helped me and you won't feel alone because Br Hassan has also provided real life case studies which give us some relief that we are not alone in this -as that's how it can feel at times. Also as a mentor-coach specialising in mindset the book is useful knowledge to impart to my clients on how we can control our thoughts and how was'was is sometimes linked to it too. Alhamdulilah for this book!"
Nadia Leona Yunis- (Personal Peak Performance and Mindset Transformation Mentor-Coach-Consultant at Nadia Yunis Consultancy, UK )

( Author / Mentor at happymuslimfamily .org )
I had a mild
Yes! I am serious.
I am such sure about the effectiveness of the methods written inside this Book that I offer a 100 % Money back Guarantee. Read this book from cover to cover and more importantly implement the solutions written inside it. I am sure it shall Insha-Allah help you control all kinds of your was'was . But if still you decide that this book is not for you ,then you can ask for a full refund within 30 days. And I shall not be asking you for returning the book. That is a Promise!